Thursday, 14 August 2014


The day is here. The flags are out. People are excited, yet it doesn't seem right. The country is in a state of war against outside-forces, yet we feel insecure from the activities of the Political Parties. People are being gunned down by different groups, yet no one has been called accountable. Is this the Pakistan Jinnah wanted? Is this the Pakistan we are to give to the upcoming generations?
I won't go stating the wrongs in Pakistan on 14th August, even though we are facing the worst of times. This day is the day every Pakistani should feel accountable to its mother-land. Yes, due to different group of people, Pakistani's have suffered in their own home especially the poor and the mediocre standard of people and they might feel a touch bit of anger at Pakistan for causing the misery but people make up nations, nation doesn't make people.
The world is not a better place. It is not only Pakistan. Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Palestine all are in a suffering state. Even the big guns like the USA, UK, Germany and all are from time to time facing troubles. Muslims are killing muslims in the world even in Pakistan. Death in numbers has become a daily routine. But this is not only in Pakistan, yet it looks as if this continues Pakistan will be in a deeper pit it has ever been in. Why? Why do other nations come out of the bad times and get even better? Why are we always on the relieving end of trouble and are then even blamed as well? The answer is simple. We are not united. The people have no discipline, neither do the organisations in the country have any. And we lack Faith.
"Unity, Faith and Discipline". Someone very dear to this land said this some 67 years ago and time has proven this time and time again though we are just so arrogant that we keep on and on ignoring it and then blame the ideology of Pakistan in the first place. Shabash Pakistanio!
67 years, have brought goods as well to Pakistan. But it is about time we actually start caring for this land and stop with the conflict of personal interest. Indeed Pakistan will have a bright day which will turn into months then years and then decades but that won't come free. "Taleem" should be our focus and the we should implement of the words of our founder, irrespective why he always wore a suit.

I feel pride in being a Pakistani today. We have achieved much, though we have not done enough to say that "our founders died for something worth great". Happy Independence Day.

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