Tuesday, 15 December 2015

To you, my 132 friends

16th of decemeber 2014 was the day my mother did not ask about how my day at school was or how bad was my paper. She just stayed quite. I didn't understand why till my eyes saw the television screen. My heart felt this pain I can't describe and my eyes turned red. I'm not exaggerating. Everyone felt the same that day.
16/12/14 is not a usual day of the past. It was the day when we buried 132 bright and happy souls.
It's been a year since that day but everyone still sheds a tear when we hear about you all. We try to control our emotions knowing that you all are in a good place now. Happy, safe and well.
16/12 is your day, so I thought I should do something and this letter or blog or whatever is for you and about your sacrifice.
Pakistan is united now. Well, some say it still isn't but between you and me, we know how twisted their intentions are for this country. Where was I? Oh, yes as I was saying, thanks to you, each and every Pakistani has gotten together against the enemy. I'm sorry you couldn't see the united Pakistan but believe me it's better and will get better everyday. I hope this gives you comfort.
I hope you know that your parents are proud of you and so is Pakistan. Everyone knows about 16/12/14. It's a day, that has had an impact on every single person in this country and that has helped us have an upper hand in this war against evil. Who would have thought 132 brave children would defeat the enemy? It took your bravery, our broken hearts and education to damage the insane,  the inhumane and cowardly enemy and it'll take just a little more of will power to free this land from the human animals.
Aps Peshawer is doing amazing. Did you know, you have your own cricket team. How cool is that! "Peshawer Zaalmey". We also named 132 schools in Islamabad in your memories. I'm telling you, you got us united and we so never forget our greats.
I have seen your pictures and I imagine you smiling in heaven. We're trying to do well here. Keep watch on us from up there, okay?
We love you.
-On behalf of Pakistani ky awaam.

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